A bond is woven through memories, experiences and stories. Each members life & legacy creates a beautiful part of this woven Tapistry. It tells the tale of trials & tribulations, Ceremonies & celebrations that we've encountered along the way. We learn from these events by bring us closer together and strengthening our bonds. Yes, Each Tribe has its own quirks but what matters most is that you weave a pattern that is unique, vibrantly colorful & as interesting as you are.
One thing I'd like to mention, however, is that we aren't all born into our tribe of choice! It's unfortunate when families divide on issues or so much trauma has occurred that there's a Tribal separation. Family doesn't necessarily mean blood, your tribe may consist of your friends or in-laws, stepsisters, co-workers and neighbors. Whatever the case may be, think of your Tribe, the one that fits you.... What does it look like? What is your role in the Tribe? What traditions or rituals will you pass down to the next generation? Maybe you want to let go of something that binds you to a past & needs to be forgotten...habits that you will NOT carry on into the next generation? As I said before, your are creating a Woven Tapestry of Life. All the colors, images, materials and flaws are essential in creating a beautiful story...Just remember, YOU are an integral part of this story.
So for MINDFUL MONDAY do this.....Tonight when you get home, Honor your Tribe. Let your Family know how important they are to you. Have a "Fireside Chat" with your Tribe either physically (Build a fire in your fireplace or fire pit) or verbally by talking about traditions that your grandfather (or any Tribal member, past or present) taught you. If you are alone, take an Epsom salt bath,(be sure to rinse off) wrap yourself in a blanket and light a candle. Practice a hobby like knitting or crocheting. Maybe you just need to Say a prayer for someone in your Tribe. But honor your FAMILY this week for MINDFUL MONDAY whether they're blood relatives or not!
Untill next time- I'll leave you with a phrase my Grandpa Fritz would always say "TAKE 'ER EASY"