Earth Day is here! I'd like to share with you an excerpt from Kirsten Magnani, my FACE OF TODAY on April 5th 2013. Her effort in composting is truly what Earth Day is all about. I hope you enjoy this blog post but most importantly, I hope it inspires you to try it out for yourself!

Kirsten says that making compost is quite simple. It needs shelter, moisture, air and food....You just have to create the right environment for the FBI's to do their job. (Fungus, Bacteria, and Invertebrates!) So what are the Food scraps that make up compost?

What you want to AVOID in a compost bin are: all animal products, bones, fish, shells, oils, & all dairy products. (These foods need a high heat compost system otherwise they attract the wrong organisms.)
Besides the food scraps, the FBI's need a source of carbon such as shredded paper, dried leaves or saw dust pellets. The carbon controls the ph and it also provides the energy needed to feed the bacteria so it can break down the food. It usually takes about 3 months for food to be turned into compost which is amazingly fast! As far as volume, you get 1/3's worth of compost out of food scraps. So for every 9-lbs of food scraps-you'll get 3-lbs of compost!

The benefit of adding compost to your soil is that you are restoring the topsoil. Compost is considered a soil amender~ which helps the soil maintain moisture, which acts as a fertilizer. Compost is SO much better for plants than 'miracle grow' (which is like giving your plants steroids). Miracle Grow is a quick fix. It causes the leave part grows too quickly for the roots. And when there's no miracle grow... the plant starves. Compost releases essential nutrients slowly as the roots requires. The plant won't grow as quickly as it does with chemical fertilizers but in the long run, your plant will be stronger and grow to be bigger and healthier.
I'm so happy to see another post on composting. Your previous post about composting inspired me to start at home! We purchased a compost bin online and set it up yesterday, just in time for Earth Day. Our 5 year old son is just as excited about composting as we are. Thanks for the great idea and helpful information. Happy Earth Day!
ReplyDeleteThat's is AWESOME!! I'm so glad you were inspired by Kirsten's efforts. Please share pictures or stories as your compost progresses. It's an honor to know you are educating your children in such a positive wayTHANK YOU so much :-D