Sunday, June 30, 2013


The Fabric of Real Life is on SUMMER VACATION this week.  I hope every reader has a wonderful Holiday Season with friends and family.  It is times like these that create family memories and traditions.   

I LOVE fireworks!  They are so spirited.  You can naturally be "in Awe" when starring at's an incredible feeling.  So Why do we use fireworks for the 4th? Well, it's a tradition that we've used from the beginning of our Independence.  In celebrating our 1st Anniversary of freedom from the British, we used fireworks. 

According to the Smithsonian blog:
In 1777, one year after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, Philadelphia held a massive celebration. American University’s James R. Heintze dug up this account, from the Virginia Gazette:
One of the most elaborate celebrations in 1777 and the first organized celebration of its kind occurred in Philadelphia. This event had all of the elements of typical future celebrations–the discharge of cannon, one round for each state in the union, the ringing of bells, a dinner, the use of music, the drinking of toasts (it would subsequently be traditional to have one toast for each state in the union), “loud huzzas,” a parade, fireworks, and the use of the nation’s colors, in this case the dressing up of “armed ships and gallies” in the harbor.
The fireworks celebration that night began and ended with 13 fireworks being set off from the city’s commons.  Boston also had fireworks that year, and the tradition grew from there. July 4th fireworks displays have even occurred in Antarctica, when explorer Richard Byrd set off fireworks on a relatively warm day—33 degrees below zero.  Now that’s patriotism.

So there you have it!!

The Fabric of Real Life will resume with MINDFUL MONDAY next week & you will see more from MUSIC TO INSPIRE and DOWN TO EARTH.  I will also be introducing a NEW Feature SUN SPIRIT!!!  So Stay Tuned

Friday, June 28, 2013

MUSIC TO INSPIRE: Man inthe Mirror by Michael Jackson

Every time I Hear this Song, I am reminded of the Strength within Myself.  I have the ability to Make a difference and So do you!

I hope you ENJOY!

Monday, June 24, 2013


Welcome back to another addition of MINDFUL MONDAY.  This weeks tip is an easy one!  Sometime this week, let someone else go first.  

You could be at the Grocery store or driving in rush hour traffic.  Maybe you're getting off the elevator or waiting for a fitting room.  There are so many ways we can let others go first.  See how many times you can incorporate it into your week & show others that you respect them just as much as you respect yourself.  It is YOU and ME that get to create the world around us.  Let's make it a positive one- through one SIMPLE ACT

Sunday, June 23, 2013


One of the biggest celestial events of 2013 is upon us!  Set to peak this evening, June 23, this Supermoon is Special.  It is the largest Full Moon of the year!  Its intensity comes from the Full Moon being brighter and bigger in size.  In Fact, The moon will not be this close to The Earth again until August 2014.

Also known as a perigee moon, the event occurs when a full moon lines up with the Earth and the sun at a specific point in its orbit, called the lunar perigee. That's the point at which the moon is nearest to Earth as it traces its elliptical path around our planet. 

Since it's closer to us, the moon appears up to 14% bigger and 30% brighter than usual. Coined by astrologer Richard Nolle, the term "supermoon"essentially means a bigger and brighter full moon.

It will reach its closest point to the Earth 22 minutes earlier and will be visible after the sun sets that evening.

So this evening when you are settling down for the night, go outside.  Take the kids, even if it is for 3 minutes.  Witness the glory of tonight's Full Moon.  For me, staring at a Full Moon feels primitive, even primal.  It's always so mesmerizing- & at the same time, I feel rooted, more grounded.  How does the Full Moon make you feel?  I'd love to know....

Thursday, June 20, 2013


WOW it has been over 2 months since I got back from my vacation!!  My how Time flies.... I wanted to share with you some pictures of my experience and a few tidbits that I learned.  This experience was essential in keeping my spirit bright & grounding me at the same time.  

This is what I'd like to share from my journal:

Resistance is what makes things "Hurt"

We attach to emotions as if they are the only truth.

Stopping judgement creates mindfulness. Just let go, open up, follow it, let it be!

Holding onto lies creates restrictions in the body

Choose to surround yourself with people who reflect that love back to you

Nothing in the divine world is unworthy

Check in and ask yourself--Does this serve my highest good? Then use your senses to listen for the answer

One of the best moments of my trip was this affirmation.  AS I was walking along a beach, I asked SPIRIT for a "heart shaped rock" I even said I'd be happy if it was abstract heart shape.  Well how more literal of a shape can you get?  Within 5 minutes, this is what I found on the beach.

My Heart Shaped Treasure

Monday, June 17, 2013


Phone Etiquette you say?  Today, the MINDFUL MONDAY tip is recognizing & giving yourself permission to know that IT IS OK to not answer your phone! I know this sounds down right silly but Mondays are all about practicing awareness.

Our ways of communicating are evolving as a society.  So often our cell phones are connected to us- physically. I mean, it has become an extra limb! At times it feels like I'm connected to my phone 24/7, and I know we can all relate to that feeling.

But when we are in the moment of life, can we ever step back- maybe by choosing NOT to answer the phone?

For example, at the grocery store & the Clerk is ringing you up. Be kind & respectful to them by putting your phone away. Apply the etiquette you've always known--by getting off the phone and looking at the person I front of you. By this, you are acknowledging that you are present, aware...Mindful!

I recently got chewed out by a man. We were both shipping packages at UPS. While waiting in line, I was on my cell phone talking care of business. This man yells "Do you think we all want to hear your conversation?" I was shocked! SPEECHLESS, I mean, I was just waiting in line. I thought to myself (after a few swear words in silence) "What if the person I was talking to on the phone was standing in line with me. I'd still be having the same conversation, just in person". Even though I felt scolded by this man, maybe he was right. I could have placed that call when I got back into my car, right? (blue tooth is a great invention). Not everyone wants to hear our conversations in their ear, especially at restaurants and stores. So don't get mad, just get even by being aware of the people around you....that's Mindfulness too.

Let's face it, our lives are jam-packed with all sorts of ways to communicate. In order to find balance in the highly social arena, practice mindful phone etiquette. Think about chosing a time that's convenient for you to chat. Next time you have your hands full or your child is crying- remind yourself that its OK to not answer the phone. Call back when you have a moment to focus on the conversation. I know the person on the other end of the line will understand for the delay. Plus, they don't get all back ground chaos or our distractions and that's being polite too.

I hope you've enjoyed this moment of reading....

Have a great MINDFUL week!

Friday, June 14, 2013

WORDS OF A WISE MAN- Paul Harvey - An Open Letter From God

I stumbled across this and felt compelled to share it with you.  Regardless of what you believe in, it is 8:28 minutes long and worth listening.  It speaks to everyone who believes that there is a higher power and how we can understand ourselves and our neighbors.  I hope you understand the message Paul Harvey is conveying.

Monday, June 10, 2013


Monday is here again!  I recently came across some cards that my Mom had saved, homemade one's that I had made years ago. 

I always enjoyed making cards for people. I would mostly make birthday cards for friends & family, along with making Mother's and Father's Day cards too.  I loved making and sending them.  So why did I stop doing this?  As stated before, being MINDFUL is about Awareness, Attentiveness and Care. 

For Mindful Monday- try to find the time this week to send an e-card or a hand written note for no reason at all.  Has anyone been on your mind lately? Maybe that person needs that extra poke.  Showing you care or expressing your feelings through a card is a simple gesture.  Tell someone why they mean the world to you or just check in and let them know you are there if they need you.

Happy Monday, lets make it a MINDFUL one!

Friday, June 7, 2013

MUSIC TO INSPIRE: In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel

I absolutely LOVE this song by Peter Gabriel.  What an amazing melody.  I hope you can listen to the words and be inspired by it too.  Although the video is a hoot, the lyrics are enchanting to me.

Monday, June 3, 2013


Welcome back to another Mindful day.... Monday! Last week we explored Apologizing, so to follow up with that, today's topic is also one of the most important factors in human relationships.  FORGIVENESS.  But what does really mean?  Well, when I looked up the definition, I saw" the end of blame".  Wow! The end of blame....Sounds like the path least traveled.  

So this week let's think about Forgiveness.  Maybe you need to Forgive someone for a minor resentment that has been bothering you.  Maybe you need permission to forgive yourself for a past mistake.  Do you need to ask someone for forgiveness?  Whatever the need, the time is now.  You might not know where to start, but Forgiveness is about moving on, putting an end to blame and starting on a new path.  When doing my research, I read the following on Wikipedia & was pleasantly surprised to see what was the most effective tool in learning how to forgive! So I thought I'd share it with you.

The need to forgive is widely recognized by the public, but they are often at a loss for ways to accomplish it. For example, in a large representative sampling of American people on various religious topics in 1988, the Gallup Organization found that 94% said it was important to forgive, but 85% said they needed some outside help to be able to forgive. Akin to forgiveness is mercy, so even if a person is not able to complete the forgiveness process he or she can still show mercy, especially when so many wrongs are done out of weakness rather than malice. The Gallup poll revealed that the only thing that was effective was "meditative prayer".[32]

Find time to FORGIVE.  Remember to focus on stopping the blame game & starting on a new path.  This is your life and only you get to turn the pages, better yet, I encourage you to start a new Chapter!!