Monday, July 22, 2013


They say ACTIONS speak louder than words.  We, as adults, are entirely responsible for our own one else.  This is wonderful news!  It means we have the ability to change our actions, we have the power!

I know at times we can feel powerless to change our life, our job, our eating habits, our attitude.  But it is good to know you're not alone.  At times you might feel helpless, anxious or even fearful of a challenge that you are facing in your life.  Sometime this week, take time to recognize that you have the power.  You are the king or queen of your castle. 

Take Action to make the changes needed to live the life you've always wanted.  

I recommend making a list of any hopes, dreams or goals-Even if they sound downright "I want to be the next Mr. Roger's"!  That is one of my dreams & however crazy it's the truth.  This list will give you a sense of direction, plus it makes it easier to tackle one obstacle or hurdle at a time.  This Mindful Monday technique should start by making a list.  By doing so, you are taking the first step...aka ACTION.... in starting the process of having the life you always dreamed of.  It's yours for the taking, just be clear and honest with yourself. 

Monday, July 15, 2013


CHANGE (not like the kind in your pocket)

Does the phrase Making a Change scare you?  I've been thinking about change a lot lately.  Recently heard someone say "People don't make changes because things are wonderful in their lives". 

Often times we are reluctant to change.  It is easier to do what we've always been doing VS trying something new or different.  At times, we are  forced to change.  This usually occurs in situations of tragedy, trauma or turmoil.  But whether we want to or not, change is that got me thinking. 
Can we ever think of Changing as an opportunity to grow or evolve?  Can it be perceived as a positive transition in our lives, our family or our future path?

Lets face it, no one ever said making a change is easy.  So in times of difficulty, think of it as letting yourself go with the flow.. by choosing not to resist it.   For me, a good analogy is that water flows in the path of least resistance.  It changes course to allow for an easier transition to the next resting place.

So what does this all mean for Mindful Monday? Well, think of yourself as a flowing spring!!  Where is your path of least resistance? Maybe you need to change course if you feel you are at a dead end or your river has run dry.  Let your natural spring flow & just let go!  Find One Change you can make this week.  How are your relationships, thoughts, diet, communication style, environment or habits doing?  If you don't know where to start, let your heart be your guide, it will tell you what needs the most improvement or where the path of least resistance may be.

Monday, July 8, 2013


I am so excited for Mindful Monday today.  I wanted to share with you a story from one of my favorite iconic images entitled GRACE (upon research I discovered the original was a photograph, not a painting!) 

This story just goes to show that you never know who may be walking into your life and changing it....In 1918, Eric Enstrom was preparing a portfolio of pictures to take with him to a convention of the Minnesota Photographer's Association.

"I wanted to take a picture that would show people that even though they had to do without many things -because of the war - they still had much to be thankful for"

The door to his photography studio opens and in walks Mr. Charles Wilden-a bearded, saintly, old man, who was selling foot-scrapers.  Eric recalled that there was something about the old gentleman's face that immediately impressed him, his face was kind, there weren't any harsh lines. Eric sprung into action and on a small table, he set up a composition known as a Still Life.  He placed a family book, some spectacles, a bowl of gruel, a loaf of bread, and a knife. Then he had Mr. Wilden pose in an manner of prayer.

 With his camera, Eric captured a special moment- one that transcends time.  Little did he or Mr. Widen know that their Chance Encounter would produce a world famous iconic image.

So for MINDFUL MONDAY think of any Chance Encounters that you have had in your life and the blessings, stories or moments that have come from it.