Thank you for joining me again today. This week, MINDFUL MONDAY is about Apologizing. Life's too short to have regrets. Sometimes we say or do things, whether purposefully or not, that can hurt another's feelings. We all make mistakes but how often to we actually apologize?
I'm about to share with you an embarrassing story... thankfully you were not there to witness it person. I was going through a rough patch a few years ago. One night I was out at a bar and I made a complete Ass (yep, no sugar coating that) out of myself to a stranger. This guy didn't deserve my attitude or excess baggage that I was carrying & unfortunately he got the brunt of my pain. I've seen this young man volunteering at the Salvation Army in Royal Oak, MI several times since then. Whether he would remember me or not, I don't know. But I've felt sick to my stomach about my behavior ever since that night. Several times I've tried to work up the courage to apologize, but haven't yet. I need to be a bigger person by recognizing my faults and correcting them- so that is why I'm writing this today. I promise the next time I see him I am going to apologize.
Above all, the lesson I learned was to be quick to apologize. You may not get another opportunity to clear the air and caring around excess baggage is unhealthy-physically, mentally, emotionally. Try to find the time this week to reflect upon who may need need an apology & offer it up. Remember, all actions have a ripple effect. Maybe you will receive an apology too.
See you next Monday for another MINDFUL post.
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