Tuesday, April 30, 2013

TUESDAY ART DAY is on Spring Break

It's Tuesday already!  For the past few months TUESDAY ART DAY has been a consistent blog post for readers.  Since Violet was the last of the colors to explore- our Basic color wheel is now complete! It has been a pleasure to introduce you to the Color Wheel and Color Theory as it  relates to painting or other Artistic mediums. 
Even if you are not an aspiring Picasso~ I hope you have an understanding of  color and hopefully you SEE your environment in a more colorful way!

There is soo much more to cover and this is just the beginning so TUESDAY ART DAY will be back this summer with more lessons on the Color Wheel & Artistic Inspirations.

Stay Tuned for MINDFUL MONDAY'S, DOWN TO EARTH, MUSIC TO INSPIRE and many more topics.

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